Terms of Use
Limited Commercial License Included with PurchasesWhat you CAN do with our SVG files
- Use our digital cutting SVG files to make projects for your personal use or for gifts (at no cost) FOREVER.
- Sell up to 50 finished physical items per SVG file design per 12-month period on sites like Etsy and a website, at local craft fairs, for non-profit organizations, fundraising activities, schools, etc. We ask that you credit Simply Crafty SVGs for the design, if you share an image.
- If you are interested in selling more than the allowed 50 finished designs per year, please contact us to discuss. Please provide details. We are a little guy in this huge craft industry and we need to protect our interests.
What you CANNOT do with our SVG files
- You MAY NOT share, distribute, copy, sell our digital cutting SVG files in any format, including physical formats like metallic die cuts. This means you cannot share the files on a shareable drive such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or Box.
- You MAY NOT distribute the files with others that have not purchased the files in any format, even free SVG files. Provide others a link to purchase or download the files. Limited commercial license does not grant anybody the right to give the files to others, only finished projects (as stated above).
- You MAY NOT use the files to mass produce a project via 3rd party company.
- You MAY NOT cut out and sell our SVG files in physical formats for kits. Contact us to discuss limited exceptions for fundraising or non-profit organizations.
- You MAY NOT cut out and distribute our SVG files in a kit format for a class for profit. Contact us to discuss limited exceptions for fundraising or non-profit organizations.
- You MAY NOT sell any merchandise or products using our SVG files on Print On Demand websites like Cafepress.com and Zazzle.
- You MAY NOT modify or change any of our SVG files to re-sell or give away, in ANY format. Designs are copyright and property of Simply Crafty SVGs.
- You MAY NOT claim any of our SVG files or designs as your own. Designs are copyright and property of Simply Crafty SVGs.
By purchasing our SVG files, you have agreed to our full terms of use. This is a living document and may be updated at anytime.
Share photos of your finished projects using our SVG files on our Facebook Simply Crafty SVGs Creators Group, Instagram using #simplycraftysvgs or Pinterest. We kindly ask that you credit Simply Crafty SVGs for the design, if you share an image. We love to see the creativity of all of you talented crafters out there!
(Updated June 2024)